Author: Mitchell
Beautiful Facials For You
YOUR BOOKS FOR PERSONAL … OR SPA USE Book #1: basic Facial Beauty Steps (for most users): eBook version: Quick Routine Facial Care: Beauty Steps Can Do Anywhere This eBook can be uploaded to most mobile devices for easy reference … for personal or professional use 🙂 Print Book version: Quick Routine Facial Care: Beauty Steps Can Do Anywhere Print Book for those who want it for their collection (or forRead More
Best 15-Volume SciFi Deal
Best 15 Sci-Fi books saga ever … in one handy volume! This has to be the BEST Science-Fiction Book deal in years! 15 serial book stories contained in one large volume! Many will say that these 15 volumes (i.e., in three sections) of the Planet Paradise Adventure series seem more like reality than fiction … but, who knows for sure! But this scientist, author assures that this adult science fictionRead More
Facial Beauty Books

BOOKS FOR PERSONAL & SPA BUSINESS USES Book #1: basic Facial Beauty Steps (for most users): eBook version: Quick Routine Facial Care: Beauty Steps Can Do Anywhere This eBook can be uploaded to most mobile devices for easy reference 🙂 Print Book version: Quick Routine Facial Care: Beauty Steps Can Do Anywhere Print Book for those who want it for their collection (or for business-display promotions 🙂 Book #2: advancedRead More
PP 15-Vol Set
Too real to be science fiction … but how can I know! Science fiction never seemed so real … how can I tell! Science fiction you can understand … and think it’s real! Can we really get there from here … maybe it’s not fiction! Space travel necessity … go faster than light or die! Best sci-fi package books offer in years! Great news Sci-Fi Fans, Best, outstanding science-fiction valueRead More
PP 15-Vols
CLICK HERE: Best Science Fiction Romance Deal! Many will say that this 15-volume Science-Fiction series seem more like reality than fiction. But the author assures that this adult science fiction romance adventure is not based on any known events … no matter how real they may seem … nor how many ET experts claim they must be true. The action in the first five volumes seems closer to reality than fiction.Read More
TD Discovery 3
Hi Christian Explorers, After 40 years of teaching diagnostic medical sciences, I retired to pursue theoretical theology. Why? Because I had one final mountain to conquer. No, not K2… but the towering Trinity Doctrine … because its peaks were still obscured by the thick, dark clouds of elusive blind faith. Many of us have struggled with trinity-enigma all our lives. I was baptized into three major churches on my strugglingRead More
TD Discovery 2
Hi Christian Explorers, After 40 years of teaching diagnostic medical sciences, I retired to pursue theoretical theology. Why? Because I had one final mountain to conquer. No, not Annapurna … but the towering Trinity Doctrine … because its peaks were still obscured by the thick, dark clouds of blind faith theology. Many of us have struggled with trinity-enigma all our lives. I was even baptized into three major churches onRead More
TD Discovery 1
Hi Christian Explorers, After 40 years of teaching diagnostic medical sciences, I retired to pursue theoretical theology. Why? Because I had one final mountain to conquer. No, not the Matterhorn … but the towering Trinity Doctrine … because its peaks were still obscured by the thick, dark clouds of blind faith. Many of us have struggled with it all our lives. I was baptized into three major churches on myRead More
Answers To Some Puzzling Theological Questions Go through these questions and answers to see if you agree with the answers provided by this theoretical theologian. If you do not … you may want to see the Biblical proof … not his opinion. [Don’t worry … Bible scholars and theologians often have different points of view. Just keep Romans 14:22 deep in your heart.] Fully explained answers for all the puzzlingRead More